Angel Card Readings

Learn about your Angels and how they love, protect and guide you. Teresa connects with your Angels and the Angelic Realm channeling messages from your Guardian Angels, Archangels, Angels, and beings of light who are assisting you in your life journey. She uses oracle cards as guided by the Angels to give you clear answers and helpful loving messages. You leave your reading empowered by the messages from your Angel guides and clarity for your life path.

During your session, you are encouraged to participate, asking questions and sharing any information that you feel is relevant to your reading. It’s not uncommon for loved ones and pets to want to participate in your reading, so be open for anything!

An Angel Card Reading is a method of receiving guidance from the Divine using oracle cards as a tool. There are hundreds of oracle card decks available and many people choose a variety that suits their passions such as angels and archangels, dolphins, fairies, butterflies, gods or goddesses, ascended masters, etc. The most well known creator of oracle cards is Doreen Virtue. Some readers even create their own card decks.

Having an Angel Card Reading is not magic (but it can be!) or witchcraft or any other negative connotation associated with connecting with these beings of light. All the answers to the questions you have are answered by your own Angels, although my angels help me to discern and relay the information being passed through me, acting as a conduit, to you. Your Angels are always present and by acknowledging them and listening for them, you can communicate with them without an intermediary, if you choose to. However, most people enjoy having a reading to start the conversation.

There are several formats of readings, from a single card up to ten cards or more. The most common is a three-card reading. The three cards can represent the past, present or future depending on the outcome the client is looking for, the types of questions they ask the reader or silently ask the Universe during the reading. Examining the cards individually and as a series is an important part of the reading. Anything that happens during the reading is part of the reading. For instance, if a door slams shut during the reading that is an important factor and guidance for the client.

The type of card deck used in a reading doesn’t matter, although the right deck will be pulled according to your energy, what you want to experience, and what guidance your angels have for you. It’s important that you receive a reading from someone you feel a connection with and that you have faith that the messages will come forth for you. As a Certified Angel Card Reader™ Teresa has undergone a rigorous course of study to ensure the best possible experience for you. As an intuitive, Teresa is able to receive messages from Angels, loved ones who have passed over (if they choose to participate), and beloved pets. You will be held in a safe and protected space and everything will be held in the strictest confidence.

An Angel Card Reading is a gentle, beautiful way for you to connect and receive guidance from God’s divine messengers; your angels. It’s like having a warm, inviting conversation with a trusted friend or loved one where you leave feeling uplifted, protected, and filled with love.

Angel Card Reading (3 cards) ~ 30 minutes


Angel Card Reading ~ 60 minutes


Angel Card Reading ~ 90 minutes
