Crystal Healing for Beginners

Class dates are scheduled for 3 or more participants.
If interested in this class contact Teresa at 608-346-3424 or email
10:00am – 5:00pm

When you are just starting to work with the energy of crystals, it can feel quite overwhelming. Where do you begin?  What crystals or stones should you work with? How do you get the most out of your crystals and stones?  This class gives you the answers to all of your crystal questions so you can get started with these amazing beings of light who wish to help you on your life’s journey.

You will learn:
– about crystals and stones and how they were formed.
– what crystals and stones can do for you in your healing or spiritual journey.
– how they work.
– which crystals or stones to choose for your needs and wants and how to use them.
– how to cleanse, charge and set an intention for your crystals and stones.
– the best crystals to start with for your crystal tool box.

You will need a pendulum for this class, so bring one along if you have one or you may purchase one from the shop on the day of the class.

Included in the class are instructions, a Crystal for Beginners manual, practice using crystals for yourself and your classmates, and a certificate after completion of the class.

Prerequisite: None, just a love and willingness to learn about crystals and stones.

Crystal Healing for Beginners